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Snart release för ny bok om Jess Franco

pornodelic pleasures jess franco cinema Hunter JackEn ny bok om sleaze-maestron Jess Francos filmarv når handeln i slutet av september 2013. Boken, som fått namnet Pornodelic Pleasures: Jess Franco Cinema, verkar till större delen innehålla visuellt godis men även någon liten uppsats har klämts in. Som redaktör bakom projektet finner vi den ur genrefilms-sammanhang inte helt okända Jack Hunter.

Såhär beskriver förlaget Glitter Books själv sin nya bok;  

An illustrated document of the films of Jess Franco, the European cult director best known for his lurid depictions of sex, obsession, and horror. His most notorious films include Exorcism, Female Vampire, Vampyros Lesbos, and Succubus, and feature many of Europe’s leading sex stars, most notably Soledad Miranda, Lina Romay, and Alice Arno. With over 400 promotional photographs and posters, Including: more than 150 full-colour pages; an introductory essay on Franco’s career and work; and a complete illustrated filmography listing around 200 films. In the continued absence of a comprehensive critical evaluation of Franco, ”Pornodelic Pleasures” will hopefully serve as a brief but stimulating introduction to the bizarre world of one of cinema’s most enduring and original visionaries.

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Kristoffer Pettersson

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